The seminar

The GenAut Project hosts a monthly online seminar with invited papers from other scholars that work on these texts and traditions from other perspectives or on different languages than those covered in our project.

The GenAut online seminar is open to all – just drop us a line to to be added to our email list.

If you work on texts focused on any character linked in some way to an apostolic figure and are interested in collaborating for this seminar in the future, please don’t hesitate to get in touch at We would love to hear from you.

The 2025 theme: the construction of GenAut characters in relation to the apostles.

The following years will then focus on characterisation in relation to other GenAut characters; GenAut characters in cultic contexts, and specifically on GenAut characters in letters. The list of characters linked to the apostles includes, among others: 
Thecla of IconiumDionysius the AreopagiteClement of RomeIgnatius of AntiochPolycarp of SmyrnaBarnabasPancratius of TaorminaOnesimus of ByzantiumNereus and Achilleus, and Mary Magdalene.

The programme for the 2025 seminar will be announced shortly here and on the email list.